Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Creme Brulee Cake: Pinterest Recipe Review

Creme brulee is one of my favorite things ever. I don’t know what it is, but I swoon over this dish. When it’s done well, the combo of creamy custard and crunchy sugar (let’s be honest, LOTS of sugar) makes me hear the heavenly harps.

So for my birthday last week, I decided to try a recipe that has been saved on my phone for about three years. It’s found here, at The Baker Chick. Since it’s a crepe cake with layers of custard, I thought it would be similar to blintzes, another favorite food. So, how did it all turn out? Read on!

The Recipe:
The original recipe can be found here, via The Baker Chick.

The Process:
I am the first to admit that I started this cake waaaaaay too late. I think I started on the crepe batter about 7:30pm the night before my birthday, and when I saw that I needed to let the batter sit for two hours I was more than a little irritated. But oh well, it sat. And it didn’t feel lumpy or unmixed when I poured it onto the pan - the sitting was a beneficial step eventually, but it just meant more time for me.

While I let the batter sit, I made the custard. So very easy! The custard itself came together in about five minutes, then joined its friend (crepe batter) in the refrigerator.

A few hours later I decided to start cooking the actual crepes. The recipe told me it would take about 1 minute per crepe on the front side, and 20 seconds on the back. LIES. I don’t know if I’m inept at making crepes (totally possible), was using the wrong heat, the wrong pan, etc., but it took about 5 minutes per crepe. So if you calculate out that I did 21 crepes… well, it’s a lot. A tip: make sure to spray the pan with cooking spray between each crepe. Because these crepes are so thin, that’s the only way they’ll come off.

Actually putting together the cake took about a half hour, and I have to say that the ratio of crepe to custard was perfect. I didn’t have much custard left over, and it all came together nicely. Woohoo!

The Result:
Here is the pic I took of the outside:

And the inside:

For as much work as it was (I think it ended up taking about 3 and a half hours total), let me tell you something: this cake was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten! DELICIOUS. My family of 5 devoured about half in one sitting, but it was so rich we came back for more the next day. The custard and crepes complement each other perfectly.

I would absolutely recommend this recipe! Just be wary that (if you’re like me) it will take a heck of a lot longer than it says. I saw 9-inch pre-packaged crepes a few days later, and if you’re in a hurry this may work out well. The custard itself was amazing - I was thisclose to burying my face in the bowl and eating my way out. Bon appetit!

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