Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ipsy: An Overview

Okay, let me be the first to admit it: I love make-up. I totally suck at it, though, and I don't really know enough about it to branch out. That's where Ipsy comes in.

Ipsy is a subscription box service. For $10 a month, they send you five samples plus a make-up bag. Each month is themed, and you fill out a semi-lengthy questionnaire at the beginning to determine what you do and don't want.

I've been on Ipsy for about a year, and it's been fairly hit-or-miss. Some months I'm incredibly excited about what I'm getting, and I've gotten some of my favorite new products from an Ipsy bag. Navy eyeliner? Yes please! They sent me the most awesome gold nail polish I've ever seen, and the make-up brushes are pretty much second to none.

That said, there's also been some things that have gone straight to the giveaway pile. Some of the colors are wild - purple lipstick? No thanks! I'm more of a classic/casual girl.

I've also had really good experiences with their customer service department. One of my samples arrived damaged (it had been spoiled by the heat - ICK), and they replaced it with a full-size Oscar Blandi within a week.

My biggest beef with them is that they reveal what you're getting about a week before you actually get it. While great for people who have self control, I don't have any! I always look and it takes the surprise out of opening my package. So, in the interest of good blogging, I have resolved to not look at September's spoilers! Since I usually get them on the 11th, I only have 9 days to keep it together. Wish me luck!

P.S. - If you feel like trying it out (which I absolutely recommend), please use my referral link!

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