Monday, September 7, 2015

Bing! Have a gift card!

Until about 2 years ago, I was a Google girl all the way. I wouldn't even touch another search engine. Then, a (now former) coworker of mine said, "hey, can you sign up for Bing with this link? It would help me out!" I signed up and didn't think much about it. Then he told me that he was just a few points away from getting a gift card.

Wait wait wait, back the truck up. You get money for using Bing? As it turns out... heck yes you do! Actually, not money: gift cards. To places like Sephora, Amazon, and Starbucks. Good grief, it's like they've been following me around.

So here's how it works: you sign up for Bing, and then you use it as a search engine. Super easy, right? There are three levels, and once you hit Gold, life is grand. You get points for every two searches you do, and I've found the points are surprisingly easy to rack up. As of right now, after about 2 years on the site, I've gained 10545 points. Which is roughly twenty gift cards (give or take since you start out at a lower level), and about $100 in free gift cards. Not too shabby! It's not millions, but it's enough to keep me on Bing.

So there ya go - another way to make free money. If you want to sign up, feel free to use my referral link (full disclosure: I'll get points if you do). Now get out there and start making money!

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